Burford Capital Seeks Director Of Case Management In Exclusive Engagement With Lateral Link
Explore an unparalleled opportunity as Director of Case Management at Burford Capital, steering complex litigation cases with a global leader.
Explore an unparalleled opportunity as Director of Case Management at Burford Capital, steering complex litigation cases with a global leader.
GCs on tangible solutions to improve diversity in the leadership of commercial litigation and arbitration.
PLI honors Toby J. Rothschild with its inaugural Victor J. Rubino Award for Excellence in Pro Bono Training, recognizing his dedication and impact.
Insights from new research based on interviews with 350 top in-house litigators.
A new study explores the approach of top GCs in managing costs, maximizing recoveries, and working with law firm partners.
A new study explores the approach of top GCs in managing costs, maximizing recoveries, and working with law firm partners.
* The economy is about to tank and cost 10,000+ lawyers their jobs. Maybe someone should step up and do something about it? [Slate] * Simpson and Skadden are advising WeWork on its IPO. Common sense is advising everyone else against it. [American Lawyer] * Latest Circuit Court nominee is 11 years out of law school, frighteningly making him a model of experience. [National Law Journal] * Recovering from Jeffrey Epstein's estate is going to be a hell of a mess. [New York Law Journal] * The short-sell attack on Burford Capital could spark more regulation... even if the whole thing was bogus. [Law.com] * The idiot in charge of Barstool Sports stumbles into NLRB violation then demands AOC "debate" him. It's not a debate dude. It's a law that you broke. There's not a gray area for contestation. [Variety]
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
* Jones Day partner Don McGahn sued for failing to comply with House subpoena. [National Law Journal] * Short seller argues that Burford is out of money in move that pits highly sophisticated calculated gamblers against highly sophisticated calculated gamblers. [American Lawyer] * A reminder that the Supreme Court is going to hear a case that could allow employers to fire women for not acting feminine enough. [Vice] * ICE deported a guy to Iraq who had never lived there, didn't speak Arabic, and who subsequently died unable to secure insulin. [Slate] * Biglaw is making the diversity officer role more senior and more powerful. [American Lawyer] * MGM complaining that federal government gives tribes "monopoly" over casinos. That's... that's not how this works. [Courthouse News Service] * National Review is arguing for "red flag laws" in an editorial that it will deny ever publishing once the GOP quietly kills this issue. [National Review]
If you'd like to get your litigation funded, here's what funders seek.
Increased scrutiny and regulation are unlikely to stop the growth of this booming field.
Litigation finance is growing rapidly and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Learn legal trust accounting best practices to ensure compliance and protect client funds. Discover expert tips to set your firm up for success.
Attorneys looking for more clients should consider these four steps, from finance columnist Michael McDonald.
Why is the litigation finance field so small?
What might have motivated this major deal in the litigation financing space?
They're all in their thirties, and they'll split an eight-figure payout.
Findings from the first-ever survey of client experiences with litigation finance firms.