Burford Capital

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.15.19

* The economy is about to tank and cost 10,000+ lawyers their jobs. Maybe someone should step up and do something about it? [Slate] * Simpson and Skadden are advising WeWork on its IPO. Common sense is advising everyone else against it. [American Lawyer] * Latest Circuit Court nominee is 11 years out of law school, frighteningly making him a model of experience. [National Law Journal] * Recovering from Jeffrey Epstein's estate is going to be a hell of a mess. [New York Law Journal] * The short-sell attack on Burford Capital could spark more regulation... even if the whole thing was bogus. [Law.com] * The idiot in charge of Barstool Sports stumbles into NLRB violation then demands AOC "debate" him. It's not a debate dude. It's a law that you broke. There's not a gray area for contestation. [Variety]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.08.19

* Jones Day partner Don McGahn sued for failing to comply with House subpoena. [National Law Journal] * Short seller argues that Burford is out of money in move that pits highly sophisticated calculated gamblers against highly sophisticated calculated gamblers. [American Lawyer] * A reminder that the Supreme Court is going to hear a case that could allow employers to fire women for not acting feminine enough. [Vice] * ICE deported a guy to Iraq who had never lived there, didn't speak Arabic, and who subsequently died unable to secure insulin. [Slate] * Biglaw is making the diversity officer role more senior and more powerful. [American Lawyer] * MGM complaining that federal government gives tribes "monopoly" over casinos. That's... that's not how this works. [Courthouse News Service] * National Review is arguing for "red flag laws" in an editorial that it will deny ever publishing once the GOP quietly kills this issue. [National Review]